Welcome to art and Crafting Time in Spanish! In this class, your learner will have fun making crafts and make up a story about their creation in Spanish! Crafts teach learners to develop fine motor skills, coordination, develop creativity, develop problem-solving skills, and develop critical thinking. Spanish terms will be presented for the different aspects of the creations learners will craft like the materials and colors used.
Tutor Alejandra Zuniga-Stonesifer
Price: $650 and $50 supply fee per year
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
This class is intended to merge world geography with exposure to the Spanish language. The geography part of the class will focus on Spanish-speaking regions and counties. Students will
take “imaginary trips” to different Spanish-speaking countries where they will learn about each country/region’s geography, holidays, traditions, folk dances and clothing, and even sports,
food, and current events. Different print and video materials will be provided in class to “experience” each place they “visit.”
Spanish vocabulary will be taught using games, songs, and activities to learn words for things like daily routine, body parts, emotions, weather and aspects
of time, verbs, and more. At the beginning of each section, we will go over the definitions of a few words that are key to understanding the subject matter upon which we will be focusing.
Tutor Alejandra Zuniga-Stonesifer
Price: $650 and $30 supply fee per year
Course Material: TBD
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
While our core classes are closed for enrollment, we will consider families for enrollment in our Unit Studies, Spanish Immersion, and Social Think and Play classes on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays. Please email us at lwgadmissions@gmail.com if you are interested.