Minnow Math focuses on numbers and counting, addition, subtraction, shapes and colors, calendars and time, and measurement. We use the Good and Beautiful Math curriculum combined with Touch Math. The Good and Beautiful math features hands-on lessons and skill-related games to reinforce taught skills. Touch Math is a multi-sensory math tool that helps students to see, say, touch, and hear math concepts.
Tutor: Katie Kinch
Price: $650 plus $50 supply fee per year
Course Material: The Good and the Beautiful Math K and Touch Math
Class Size: 4-5 Students
Starfish Math focuses on advanced addition and subtraction, place value, graphing, money, time, and measurement. We use the Good and Beautiful Math curriculum combined with Touch Math. The Good and Beautiful math features hands-on lessons and skill related games to reinforce taught skills. Touch Math is a multi-sensory math tool that helps students to see, say, touch, and hear math concepts.
Tutor: Katie Kinch
Price: $650 plus $50 supply fee per year
Course Material: The Good and the Beautiful Math 1 and Touch Math
Class Size: Up to 6 students
Seahorse Math works on skills like: counting within 1,000; counting by multiples of ones, tens, and hundreds, using place-value models to represent numbers to 1,000; writing numbers to 1,000 in standard, expanded, and word forms; partitioning circles and rectangles into unit fractions halves, thirds, and fourths; modeling addition and subtraction within 1,000 using place-value strategies; recalling addition and subtraction facts; and using different methods to develop fluency in adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers. Seahorse Math uses Singapore Math (2022 Edition) and Touch Math to increase skill mastery. Touch Math is a multi-sensory math tool that helps students to see, say, touch, and hear math concepts.
Tutor: Hannah Van Dellen
Price: $650 plus $50 supply fee per year
Course Material: Singapore and Touch Math
Class size: Up to 6 students
Axolotl Math works on skills like: counting within 10,000 and by thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones; writing multi-digit numbers in expanded form; using place-value models to read, write, and represent numbers to 10,000; writing whole numbers as fractions, and recognizing fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers; adding and subtracting money; adding and subtracting whole numbers to 10,000; and multiplying and dividing up to 2-digit numbers by any number from 2 to 10. Axolotl Math uses Singapore Math (2022 Edition) and Touch Math to increase skill mastery. Touch Math is a multi-sensory math tool that helps students to see, say, touch, and hear math concepts.
Tutor: Gretchen Karl
Cost: $650 plus $50 supply fee per year
Course Material: Singapore Math and Touch Math
Class size: Up to 6 students
Jellyfish Math works on skills like: understanding factors and multiples; fluently adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm; comparing nonequivalent fractions by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing with benchmark fractions; multiplying or dividing to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison by using drawings and equations; understanding prime and composite numbers; finding unknown angle measures and side lengths of squares and rectangles; and more. Jellyfish Math uses Singapore Math (2022 Edition) and Touch Math (if needed) to increase skill mastery.
Tutor: Gretchen Karl
Price: $650 plus $50 supply fee per year
Course Material: Singapore Math and Touch Math
Sea Turtle math works on skills like: understanding how to convert fractions to decimals; modeling decimals using thousandths; modeling regrouping in addition and subtraction using place value strategies; multiplying multi-digit numbers; finding quotients involving multi digit dividends; multiplying proper fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers, and whole numbers; modeling order of operations with decimals; rounding decimals; and more. Sea Turtle math uses Singapore Math (2022 Edition) and Touch Math (if needed) to increase skill mastery.
Tutor: Gretchen Karl
Price: $650 plus $50 supply fee per year
Course Material: Singapore Math and Touch Math
Class Size: Up to 6 students
Dolphin math works on skills like: extending number lines to represent points with negative coordinate; relating the square of a whole number to the area of a square, and the cube of a number to the volume of a cube; writing, interpreting, and explaining statements of order for fractions and integers; using negative numbers to identify and locate points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane; and more. Dolphin math uses Singapore Math (2022 Edition).
Tutor: Gretchen Karl
Price: $650 plus $50 supply fee per year
Course Material: Singapore Math
Class Size: Up to 6 students
Octopus math works on skills like: reading, writing, and working with whole and mixed numbers, integers, and proper and improper fractions; learning the proper mathematical terminology—dividend, multiplicand, product, simplify, minuend, quotient, numerator, and denominator; changing fractions and decimals to percents; finding the number when a percent is known; finding the mean, mode, median, range, and rank; interpreting graphs, stem and leaf plots, and box and whisker plots; reviewing geometric concepts and finding perimeter, circumference, and surface area; reviewing basic geometry concepts and symbols and uses a protractor and compass to find perimeter and area of shapes and solids; reviewing basic number theory and mathematical terms and operations including integers, fractions, decimals, and percents; gaining mastery of exponents and learning to simplify radicals and estimate the value of numbers that are not perfect squares; solving one, two, and multistep equations and inequalities, including equations containing fractions and exponents; expanding knowledge of ratios and proportions and uses them to solve application and word problems in similarity, scaling, and unit costs; using the Pythagorean Theorem; using measures of central tendency to analyze and interpret data and graphs; expressing probability as ratios, decimals, and percents; finding the number of permutations and combinations using factorial notation and combinations using Pascal’s Triangle; Octopus math uses Accelerated Christian Education math curriculum.
Tutor: Greg Platt
Price: $900
Course Material: Accelerated Christian Education
Class Size: Up to 6 students
Manatee math works on skills like: basic algebraic concepts (definitions, signs, and expressions); monomial and polynomial expressions; algebraic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; complex fractions: reducing, simplifying, and solving word problems; algebraic graphs—linear equations, consistent, inconsistent, and dependent in word problems; quadratic equations, factoring, positive and negative numbers, averages, percents, interest, ratios, and proportions, and translating word problems. Manatee math uses Accelerated Christian Education math curriculum. This curriculum includes principles for logically solving, transposing, and canceling algebraic equations.
Tutor: Greg Platt
Price: $900
Course Material: Accelerated Christian Education
Class Size: Up to 6 students
While our core classes are closed for enrollment, we will consider families for enrollment in our Unit Studies, Spanish Immersion, and Social Think and Play classes on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays. Please email us at lwgadmissions@gmail.com if you are interested.