You may notice our classes are not listed by grade but instead by ages and skill levels and a course description. Many times kids with learning struggles are in different "grade" levels in different subjects. Older students also don't appreciate being in a "lower" grade, so we have tried to eliminate those titles. For reading and math classes, the tutor will help evaluate which class each student needs. Some classes have been given an approximate grade to help give insight into which classes might be right for each student.
Students without a learning struggle are welcome to take most of our classes, but before you register for any classes take into consideration the following:
1. Our tutorial doesn't follow the same format as other popular tutorials. Grades are optional and you need to talk to the individual tutor as per their class format.
2. While our tutors do set obtainable goals and monitor progress for students, we encourage them to teach at the student's OWN PACE with the goal of learning for life, not just for the sake of finishing books.
3. Our vision is to teach students how to learn and equip them with the necessary skills for success.
Students can eat lunch at the tutorial. Students will need to stay together in a group and this group will be monitored by an adult. No one should be wandering off alone. If the weather permits the group may eat outside at picnic tables. No refrigerator space or microwave is available.
During open hours, we have learning centers and opportunities for students to serve in other classes or quietly work in other classrooms.
While our core classes are closed for enrollment, we will consider families for enrollment in our Unit Studies, Spanish Immersion, and Social Think and Play classes on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays. Please email us at if you are interested.