In this class, young learners will take an imaginary, exciting journey across the U.S. to visit each of the States. Students will make “passports” and discuss how they might travel to and through each state. While “in each state”, they will learn about each State’s capital, flag, flower, and bird. Students will also discover a few important landmarks or places to visit in each state. We will also use songs and fun activities to keep learning fun.
Tutor: Alejandra Zuniga-Stonesifer
Price: $600 and $35 supply fee per year
Course Material: TBD
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
In this class, young learners will take an imaginary, exciting journey across the U.S. to visit each of the States. Students will make “passports” and discuss how they might travel to and through each state. While “in each state”, they will learn about each State’s capital, flag, flower, and bird. Students will also discover a few important landmarks or places to visit in each state, as well as the climate, local and regional culinary favorites, and prominent industries and commerce. Songs and fun activities will be incorporated to keep learning fun.
Tutor: Alejandra Zuniga-Stonesifer
Price: $600 and $35 supply fee per year
Course Material: TBD
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
American States and Stories will teach location, capitals, and geographic terms and regions of the United States. We will be utilizing Trail Guide to Learning and adding literature that is set in the area we are studying. This class is for students age 7-9.
Tutor: Heather Loewenheim
Price: $600
Course Material: TBD
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
How many of the 50 states can you name and locate correctly? Shockingly, most American adults can only name about half! And less than 10% can locate them on a map! So your learner doesn’t want to miss this class! The focus will be on learning about each of our 50 states. They will learn important facts about the states like the state capital, the state flower, the state sport, the state dessert, etc. This class will also cover geography, incorporating maps so that students become familiar with the location of where the states are in relation to MD. They will spend additional time learning about the state of Maryland so they are able to list various facts about the state they live in.
Tutor: Candice Tudor
Price: $650 and $30 supply fee per year
Course Material: TBD
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
This class is intended to merge world geography with exposure to the Spanish language. The geography part of the class will focus on Spanish-speaking regions and counties. Students will
take “imaginary trips” to different Spanish-speaking countries where they will learn about each country/region’s geography, holidays, traditions, folk dances and clothing, and even sports,
food, and current events. Different print and video materials will be provided in class to “experience” each place they “visit.”
Spanish vocabulary will be taught using games, songs, and activities to learn words for things like daily routine, body parts, emotions, weather and aspects
of time, verbs, and more. At the beginning of each section, we will go over the definitions of a few words that are key to understanding the subject matter upon which we will be focusing.
Tutor: Alejandra Zuniga-Stonesifer
Price: $650 and $30 supply fee per year
Course Material: TBD
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
This History class focuses on the period of time between the earliest accounts of civilizations through the Fall of Rome. The structure of this class is based on stories of people connecting historical events from Europe to the Middle East, to China. Dozens of maps provide a clear picture of where these events took place and they connect together. Literature, epic traditions, private letters, and accounts connect kings and leaders who ruled during various times. This course uses The History of the Ancient World, by Susan Bauer. This class, and English (grades 7-12), work cooperatively together so that students are immersed within one topic and have the opportunity to dive deeper in their understanding. Ideally we would like students to take this History, along with English (grades 7-12) since there will be overlapping homework.
Tutor: Candice Tudor
Price: $700 and $30 supply fee per year
Course Material: The History of the Ancient World, by Susan Bauer
Class Size: Up to 10 Students
While our core classes are closed for enrollment, we will consider families for enrollment in our Unit Studies, Spanish Immersion, and Social Think and Play classes on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays. Please email us at if you are interested.